
•  The freshest food is the best food. The fruits and vegetables that you grow, harvest and cook will simply be the best . Your home cooked meals will be gratifying in a whole new way.

•  Eating organic fruits and vegetables supports our health. There is no better foundation for a healthy diet than many weekly helpings of fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

•  Growing food organically supports our ecosystem. Organic growing practices support our environment by building and conserving soil, providing insectary habitat, and reducing our use of fossil fuels and harmful chemicals.

•  Growing a garden is great for the mind and the body. You will find that spending time in your garden and seeing it grow from seed to harvest is an activity that is profoundly therapeutic as well as great exercise.  

•  Gardens are a great place for kids to experience and to learn. The garden is a magical and an empowering place for learning, for us and for our children.

•  Gardens are beautiful. Your edible garden will bring a dynamic beauty to your landscape as it evolves through each season and provides food for your household for years to come.